Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Rosie's View!

What a brilliant day at Stage2!
This previous Saturday (21st June) was such a fantastic day in the company.  I’m Rosie Nisbet, aged 17 years old and one of Stage2’s Trainee Tutors and wanted to share with you guys what a great day I had.
First of all, we had a very productive Morning Meeting with all the Trainee Tutors and staff to make sure we were clear on what was happening that day (as usual), then went through the Marketplace and did Admin as we do every week.
We had a really positive General Drama session in the morning, looking at the idea of Flexibility.  Being one of the General Drama assistants this term, this was one of my favourite weeks to help run as there were a lot of skills I was confident in and the group as a whole produced some fantastic work which will definitely be going into The Sharings on 12th July.  We developed the work started on 14th June on Spontaneous Reactions, getting the group to react in a variety of different ways to an old LAMDA piece I did with Stage2 for my Grade 6 Exam – this was lots of fun for the group, very useful as a lesson in how to react logically and with variety to a scene playing out in front of you.  It was also great fun for me to be able to do that scene again and helped develop my performance skills as I had to respond and adapt to what they were doing around me.  We also developed the mask work done in previous weeks, using Stage2’s trestle masks – this was great to see.  Each group got 2 contrasting masks and had to devise a small scene using them.  Everyone in the group had to be involved, whether wearing the masks or not.  This alone created lots of variety, with some others in the group playing inanimate objects and others playing different characters in the scene.  We then did more work to devising with music as the group responded very well to a similar task at the start of term.  We got them into 4 large groups of around 10 then played them a 30 second snippet of a very frantic instrumental.  They first of all listened to the track once with their eyes shut, then had 5 or 6 replays of the track to devise and improvise something that reflected the music and went well with it, then we showed back each group one by one.  Some groups did very naturalistic scenarios and some did more abstract pieces.  The same process was repeated for a 30 second snippet of a calm, slow instrumental.  For this one, all the groups went with quite a naturalistic feel and the groups almost put a story together of all the different stages of someone’s life and death, just in a non-chronological order.  All the weeks in General Drama have been great, but this week saw the group produce some really nice work.
After a lunch break, I went into The Teens’ Speech – Stage2’s skills workshop for this term.  We have been working on polished performances of Kate Tempest’s The Teens’ Speech (the world premiere performance of it, to be precise) as well as for two of our own member’s pieces that were written in the Playwrighting and Poetry Skills Workshop from last term – Tia Forbes’ spoken word piece and Jonni Dowsett’s poem Cruise Control.  On Saturday, we blocked the final section of The Teens’ Speech – it was once again a great rehearsal process.  The group work extremely well together and Liz has been amazing at directing us and creating a fantastic piece.  I’m really really excited for people to see this piece – the writing is so honest and such a true representation of the younger generation.  After that, we blocked the second third of Jonni’s piece Cruise Control.  Mark James, one of the workshop assistants is directing this piece and it’s been great to be a part of his directorial debut and I’m really proud of him as my friend for doing such a great job.  I can’t wait for everyone to see all these pieces in The Sharings.
In the evening at Stage2, we had The Questions and Queries Session and Photosale for last term’s production of Why is John Lennon Wearing a Skirt?.  The Questions and Queries is always a great way for members and parents to find out literally anything they want to about Stage2 and look over past portfolios of shows.  The Photo Sale is always great but I particularly enjoyed this one as WIJLWAS was my favourite production I’ve been in so far and I’m really proud of the show and my performance in it so it was actually quite emotional looking at the photos because they provided such great memories.  I can’t wait for my photo order and CD (of the band that played in the show) to arrive so it can go in my ever growing and very diverse portfolio that I’ve built up in my 5 years at Stage2.
After this, there was a Question and Answer session with Jess Soutwood, ex-member who has gone on to run training conference events for businesses.  She did the most amazing and useful session on how to use all the skills we have learnt in Stage2 and apply them to the world of business.  It was an incredible session and it taught us all so much.  Even though I want to be an actor, it gave me loads of useful hints and tips for how to get similar work for periods when I’m not working as an actor.  It also taught me lots about the qualities people want in an employee and what to write on my CV.  It was just an hour, but it’s made me very excited for the Offstage Option starting in the Autumn Term as part of the relaunch – I can’t wait to learn more about Arts in Business!
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my little snippet as to what happened on Saturday 21st June!
Rosie Nisbet J

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