Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Stage2’s Committees – Autumn Term 2013

This term has been an incredibly exciting term for members of Stage2’s Marketing and Fundraising committees.

Stage2’s Marketing Committee is always very interesting and exciting, and provides its members with a wealth of experience through helping to promote the company to the rest of the world!
The committee meets twice a term, and this term focused on the Promotional Mix.  This meant that members as young as 11 were taking part in training on degree level marketing!  As well as being provided with hand-outs and talking about the theory side, we also got the chance to explore the concepts through looking at popular television adverts and working in groups to come up with an advertising plan for a hypothetical unlimited budget!
As well as the training members have had the chance to complete a huge variety of tasks.  Members have been involved in everything from making an advertising display to writing press releases and researching potential advertising avenues.
After a great term, the whole committee is very excited to be able to put their newfound training to work by spreading the word about the company and A Chorus of Disapproval on the company’s distribution day on Saturday 21st December!

“Through the Marketing Committee I have learned so much about how I can help Stage2 through marketing as well as how I can market myself in interviews and things like that.  Every term we learn something different and interesting.” – Jake Hotchin, Marketing Committee Member

As usual, Stage2’s Fundraising Committee has also been hard at work looking at how to raise money for the company, which is incredibly important for Stage2 to continue to be able to offer all the options it does. This committee is much smaller than the Marketing Committee and is more ‘academically’ focused because it involves tasks such as writing high standard applications and compiling budgets.  But don’t let that put you off!  The Fundraising Committee is a fantastic way to get involved in Stage2 and gain invaluable work and life experience.  All members are fully supported through their time on the committee with a number of tasks suitable for all levels of confidence.
This term has seen all the usual types of tasks, which have varied from designing invitations to invite past, current and potentially future funders to the LAMDA evening and production, all the way up to starting our own complete fundraising projects.
As well as completing tasks, this term the committee has received excellent and professional training in two different sessions.  The first session included an overview of reading and understanding budgets which was really useful for old and new members alike.  The second training session was held by Ellen Jurczack, an ex-member who is now a professional fundraiser who started out in the Stage2 Fundraising Committee.  This session was based on fundraising schemes involving alumni and was incredibly interesting!  Not only did we learn about how to run and participate in one of these schemes we also learned how to improve basic skills such as confidence and talking to strangers.  Because this training session was such a great opportunity, company members outside of the committee were invited to come and experience it, an offer which many members eagerly took up.

This is my first term on the Fundraising Committee and I have learned so much already!  I put off joining the committee because I wasn’t sure if I was suited to it, but have found everything we have looked at this term really interesting and was offered help with all my tasks, although in the end I didn’t even really need any!” – Wallis Allen, Fundraising Committee Member

You don’t need any experience to join the committee (most new members have none at all) as you will be taught everything you need to know.  Both committees are available to join in the Spring term to anyone who is interested and willing to commit!

“As a Stage2 member who is on both of the Committees, I feel like I am really part of something exciting.  Every time I leave a committee meeting I am incredibly excited to be part of such a fantastic company, telling people all about Stage2 is only difficult in that I could go on for hours!  I have been able to be part of a huge range of different tasks with Stage2 that have complimented my work at University and made me feel both much more confident and much prouder!” – Andrew Brown, Member of the Fundraising and Marketing Committees

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