Monday, 25 March 2013

LAMDA Evening and Exam Day

I am sitting in the waiting room reflecting on this term's LAMDA teaching and the LAMDA evening. This term has been so quick and I am really proud of the work members have done in such a short space of time.

I am sure that those of you that attended the LAMDA evening would not have noticed that the vast majority of those kids had chosen those pieces just 7 weeks before!

‘I really enjoyed performing my piece at the LAMDA evening because I have worked so hard and it is exciting to show the audience so they can appreciate it too.’ Emily aged 13

LAMDA grades 1-5 are equivalent of GCSE exams and the Medals (grades 6,7 and 8) are an A level equivalent. The members of Stage2 that undertake tuition develop their performance skills at such a fast pace due to the open discussion, research and focus on them as an individual.

'I really value all the different things I have learnt, and the teaching is just so personal, and such a high standard I feel proud to have been taught by Stage2' Jacoba aged 20

Isn’t it great to see so many teenagers being confident enough to not only get up on stage in front of an large audience of family and friends but also to deliver such strong, passionate and emotive pieces.

‘I feel I have improved a lot and I’ve done things I wouldn’t have been able to do beforehand’ 

Meg aged 14

This LAMDA evening really tugged at the heartstrings with lots of serious pieces and performances that made me as a teacher exceptionally proud. We have had such positive feedback about the 2 Steven Berkoff pieces both performed by relatively new and inexperienced members of Stage2 and both totally engaged and involved in the texts. We spoke at the LAMDA evening about doing premiers of Berkoff’s work and with our recent production of GRAFT causing such a positive buzz and excitement in the company, we are strongly considering revising and restaging Requiem for Ground Zero so Berkoff fans look out for that!

‘This term has been really focused, detailed and enjoyable, I have gotten to a point now where I no longer feel nervous at LAMDA evenings but still love the adrenaline of doing a solo piece on stage’ Mark aged 15

We also had loads of Shakespeare at this term’s LAMDA evening which is always nice to see, when you have a 16 year old boy desperate to do Shakespeare and so excited they can’t choose which piece to do next, you know you are doing something right! It is great that all these performers knew exactly what they were saying and brought real life and vitality to these Shakespearian characters.

‘I found it really useful to analyse the text and play around with how it can be performed’
Gabriel aged 16

We finished the evening with an extract from The Tempest, which was really great and fantastic for parents, members of the workshops and members of staff who aren’t in rehearsals. We had such exuberance and skill from our 8 Ariels and a dignified and powerful performance from Chloe our female Prospero.

My pupils are arriving full of excitement and ready to show the examiner all the hard work they have put in.

‘The examiner was really nice and I think I was loud enough because I could hear my echo’ Izzy aged 10

Have you ever thought about taking a LAMDA exam? 

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