Thursday, 4 October 2012

Tempest Project

Stage2, Birmingham’s biggest and busiest youth theatre are renowned for producing high quality theatre with young people (aged7-21) from mixed backgrounds, ages and experiences from across Birmingham and the West Midlands. Stage2 has now been running for 25 years and takes place every Saturday during term time.

Apart from producing 3-4 critically acclaimed shows a year with casts of up to 100, Stage2 also offers workshops every term and a unique range of work experience opportunities to its members including technical/backstage training, a nationally accredited Peer Mentor Scheme and the chance to manage Stage2’s marketing and fundraising (all done by members).

This year, Stage2 is about to embark on an extended project around Shakespeare’s The Tempest, a text we know is on multiple syllabuses.  The project will involve a “pre-text” Summer School were members will be able to have every word of the play decoded for them, a term-long interpretation workshop in the Autumn, examining different characters, relationships, concepts and styles of performance and finally rehearsals in the Spring Term, leading up to a performance in The Crescent Theatre, 17th – 20th April.

Anybody aged 9 – 21 can participate in take part in this project at any stage, with no audition necessary to perform in the final production. There is also a Subsidy Fund available to any potential members with financial difficulty which can partially or fully fund their place.

We hope you agree that this will be an invaluable opportunity for young people in Birmingham, especially pupils with a real passion for Drama or English and will feed positively into schoolwork.