Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Stage2 Survey 2012: Report and Findings

 Stage2 Survey 2012: Report and Findings

Thank you to those families who completed a Stage2 survey in March this year. We have been working hard to implement your suggestions, and have used the lovely praise to remind us of how proud we should be of Stage2’s achievements and our commitment to best practice in both youth work and theatre making. You may have already noticed some changes, and more will follow at Artsfest and in the Autumn Term.

This report aims to let you know the main findings and the action we plan to take or have taken. If you would like to see the complete set of statistics there will be a copy in the Policy File which is always out in Reception for your perusal.

We have split your additional comments into 3 types:
1.  Things that are comments or praise and require no further action
2.  Things that required action or discussion
3.  Things that we actually already do but maybe need to publicise more and push more so members and their families are completely clear and can take full advantage of them.

The survey was in ten sections and here are the key points of each section:

1.  Members
o 79% of parents/guardians agreed that their children are happy and 83% felt they were a member of a company and felt secure and safe
oThe Certificates for Attendance, Attitude and Achievement were well received by most families. However, some felt that a similar list of people receive certificates each term. We will continue to display the criteria for certificates so members can see what to aim for, as well as  how all staff work hard to make the selection fair. We are very lucky to have some children in Stage2 who always have a positive attitude and great attendance so genuinely deserve certificates in more than one term.

2.  Paperwork and Information
o 79% of families felt that the paperwork they receive is clear and that they receive it in sufficient time to plan ahead.
oWe have revised some pages on the website following points that it was difficult to find information.
oWe have once again published the dates for the next year so that parents can book holidays and plan with their children which terms they can commit to productions!
oWe had some comments that our literature and website was too wordy and dense so we have rewritten some of our paperwork. However we are such a busy company, we do have a lot to say - but we will keep trying!

3.  Productions and Workshops
o70% of families agreed that is was important that Stage2 let any member be involved in shows without auditioning
oSome people commented that because other companies do not expect so much commitment it is difficult to know what to expect of Stage2 productions. We will continue to make videos and produce photographs, portfolios, call sheets, contracts and information sheets and schedules to illustrate the commitment and effort needed to be part of a production. We will also continue to recommend all new members see a show before joining the company or committing to a show.

 4.Work Experience and Personal Development
o73% of parents felt their child’s transferable skills have been improved as a result of being a member of Stage2.
o66% of responses agree that LAMDA and other Accredited Qualifications are an important part of Stage2.

5. Mentoring
o78% of families think that the Mentor Scheme contributes to Stage2’s inclusive ethos.
oAll members are asked if they would like a Mentor Buddy in their second term and many members find this beneficial.
oWe have adapted the roles of Mentors next year to enable more time to be spent with members, helping them to understand and take full advantage of Stage2.

6. Social Events and Opportunities
o76% of families agreed that their child is benefitting socially from Stage2
oAs an additional comment, many members and their parents/guardians thought that the Mentorvents at Millennium Point on Saturday evenings were very successful. We are mindful of this but will continue to offer varied social events on different days to work around other commitments members have.
o56% of families felt Butlins was an important part of our Calendar.

7. Parents Involvement
o69% of Parents/Guardians liked to be able to write additional information about their child on the registration form.
oWe gave all members a new registration form to give an opportunity to update us about your child so we can best support them at Stage2. This will now be done on an annual basis.
o66% of parents/guardians find it useful to have coffee mornings etc to meet other parents. 

8. Value for Money
o  80% of parents like Priority Booking!
o  74% of those surveyed agree that Stage2 is good value for money, the other 26% is split between unsure, not applicable and didn’t answer.
o  Another comment was concern about the costs involved during Production Week:  we have agreed cheaper parking in the Crescent Theatre car park for Stage2 families and will continue to try and help arrange car pools where possible.
o  We consistently advertise the Subsidy Fund, its wide ranging possibilities and total open access both to new and existing company members. As long as requests are clear, genuine and  in line with the policy (and a thank you letter is given in after the activity), anyone can apply.

9. Promotional Material
o  79% of members and their families find it easy to distribute print and 81% feel proud to promote Stage2.
o  Stage2 is also doing a lot of digital and online Marketing now. Please help us keep spreading the word, and inform us of new ideas you come across.

10. What is the best thing about Stage2 and the most noticeable positive change in your child?
 An overwhelming number of responses stated
o  The inclusivity and equality of Stage2.
o  Increased confidence and motivation

Thank you for taking the time to fill in the survey and read this report.
Please keep letting us know how you think we are doing and how your child(ren) are getting on at Stage2 -  we are all here to support your child(ren) and keep them happy, safe and secure.

The Stage2 Team

PS. A big thing that came out of the survey was that families do not use our website or any other online information about Stage2. These are really useful information points for members and parents. We also now have a new blog, which has really up to date information about Stage2 and nice news stories about us and our members.

Website - www.Stage2.org   Email – info@Stage2.org  Blog – www.Stage2news.blogspot.co.uk